Friday, September 9, 2011

Acknowledge yourself!

In your journal, take time each night to write 3 things you are grateful for and 3 things to acknowledge yourself for.  Example for acknowledgement:

If you normally don't stand up for yourself, yet one day you did such as telling someone who butt in front of you that the line begins behind you, acknowledge yourself! Write something like: "I acknowledge myself for standing up for myself by telling that guy that the line begins behind me."  Or it could be something like "I acknowledge myself for keeping my desk organized which makes it easy to find what I need." 

All of these things MATTER!  It tells you that what you do and who you are matter and have value.  Real value, not pretend and fake value. And it is coming from you rather than an outside source.  It feels so much better because you know it within rather than needing to get it from someone or something else.  Then you will always know how to revive, refresh, and replenish yourself in a healthy lasting way that doesn't include calories, money,or any other substance or bad habit!

The more you do this, the easier it gets and the more you will honor and trust yourself.  It builds on itself.  Some will say that it is gloating or selfish to think these things. Many have found it difficult to do. Think of it this way: why on earth would you not honor your strengths, skills, values, and self?  Why would you make it bad to think well of yourself? Why would you make yourself small rather than honor the gifts that you have and the skills that you have aquirred? 

When you do this it makes you a better person, and encourages others to do it too.   When people live their true selves with confidence, they naturally use their gifts with joy to make the world a better place. Try it out and you decide for yourself.

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