Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Challenge yourself

When we do something that is uncomfortable, that stretches us and challenges us, we gain confidence and trust in ourselves that enhances and enlivens our spirits.  The first step is to be aware of what we want to do or notice that we are stagnet and looking for "something."  That "something" is a new way of thinking or a new adventure, some new way of telling and showing ourselves another part of who we are. Perhaps it is something small and simple such as trying a new food. Perhaps it is a medium size venture such as signing up to volunteer.  Or perhaps it is a large leap such as a move across country or going back to school.  Whatever your inner voice is hinting at stop, get quiet, listen for a moment.  Record in a journal what you hear.  Notice the little things that keep popping up to give you hints about the next step.  Giant step or baby step, either way, honor rather than ignore them. Acknowledge them rather than thinking they don't count. Follow the bread crumbs that are laid out for you. When fear, self-doubt, or excuses threaten to side track you, learn to stare them down, or let them go, or speak to them in a voice that says" I'm the boss, not you. This is where I am going with or without you." Or whatever words work for you to help you to let those self-defeating thoughts go and keep you moving in the direction you want to go.  The direction of freedom.  Once we gain a confidence in one area of our life, we always have it and can build on it. We then challenge ourselves, not because we are bored, stagnet, or inert but because we've gained trust in ourselves and  choose to take on more meaningful activities with joy and pleasure.When we have challenged ourselves and won, we want to do it again and again because it feels good.  This keeps our brains and bodies and spirits young, excited about life, and vibrant. Challenge yourself.  Live authentically.  http://liveauthentically.org/

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