Thursday, February 10, 2011

What does it mean to live authentically?

To live authentically means being true to the deepest part (or some may say highest part) of yourself.  The real you.  The one that always looks after you no matter what your personality is saying or doing.  Notice the difference between the two.  The deepest part of you and your personality part.  Yes, there is a difference.  Take the time to be aware of that.  Notice the One who observes. The One deep inside that has the answers when you take the time to get out of your own way by letting go of the little ego thoughts that cause anxiety, worry, righteousness, self-doubt and all of the other lower level feelings.  Get out of your own way by taking the time to sit quietly and notice what the bigger part of you is trying to say.  If you have trouble letting the little thoughts go, then just observe them with courage and compassion. Give them permission to take a vacation.  Send them somewhere happy and peaceful, all expenses paid.  One-way trip if you wish.  Or if you really want them to return, you can certainly give them a round trip ticket, but why?  The really high quality thoughts will be there again when you need them, the others may behave like little spoiled children who want to come back in to create havoc.  It's your choice whether to allow them back into your head to make a mess or not.  Recognize that you do have that choice.  Honor your choice.  Honor yourself.  What really feels good?  Not the pretend feel-good like a night of drunkeness, but the real, true, authentic feel-good you get when you treat yourself honorably with kindness, integrity, and nurturing. Listen to your Self, the One that is connected with the Divine, and live authentically.

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